What provides CommSHIELD:
CommSHIELD developed by Page Europa provides a means of managing narrowband and wideband HF equipment from different vendor and associated HF circuits, via an integrated web-based network management software package.
CommSHIELD include:
- Configuration control, operational control and status monitoring available in three different security environments (Red, Black Red/Black) with circuits defined in line with NATO STANAG and BRASS/BRE1TA Directives.
- A Network Monitoring System that can monitor equipment via standard protocols, like SNMP or REST-API, or also via the integration of proprietary protocols through the definition of specific Agents.
- A distributed architecture with Multiple HQs and users logins is supported using a Web Service & SQL Database.
The System has been already implemented for local and remote management of Broadcast, Maritime Rear Link (MRL), Ship-Shore and BRE1TA circuits in the HF spectrum but it can have several areas of application in Defense and Civil markets.